As with most services, our prices all come down to time spent. We refuse to do bad work. We cannot shoot a 4000 square foot house in 1 hour if you want it to Be Great. We really charge by the hour, but due to the complex nature of being a traveling photography team, that hour could be spent driving to your location, shooting images, cleaning up unsightly clutter from the counter-tops or editing the images in photoshop to make them look the BEST they can possibly look. Every home is unique, and some homes are more difficult to shoot than others, but as a general guideline, here’s what to expect price-wise, but again – keep in mind that we refuse to do mediocre work.
1/2 HOUR of time beginning upon arrival $100
(properties up to 2,200 SqFt.)
Tour Enhancements
For properties more than 3,000 Square Feet or High Value Listings ($350k+) $175
Tour Enhancements
All Tour Packages include travel to any location up to 30 minutes one way (aka one hour round trip).
**Any time spent BEYOND 60 min round (or 30 min one way) trip is billed at .70/min in order to cover TIME and Transportation Costs.**
See examples of our Nashville Area Real Estate Photography